Thursday, February 18, 2010

Job Hunt Musings

I am embroiled in this job hunt. I hate it. It hangs over me like a great weight. I can't seem to accomplish anything, whether I spend many hours or none at all. Today I've been musing on a few reasons why God might be letting me have these months of job hunting instead of

Some of it is the usual character-building stuff.... teaching me patience, etc. But there are a few others

  • I didn't have to manage a job while I was doing my gluten challenge. That would have been a miserable and difficult additional challenge
  • I'm getting time to learn to cook and bake better gluten free food - or rather, *excellent* gluten free food! (I talk about that here)
  • I get to work out with A when he gets home from work. 
Aside from these, though, I have a lot of turmoil on this topic. I can't just lighten up and get things done because I feel like I have a huge cloud hanging over me. But that doesn't mean I accomplish anything useful. It just means I feel frozen most of the time. 

Dear job, please come soon.